gifts galore 2

jaidey giving miyuki's family another gift to open.
the girls opening up the gift we got them: a whole bunch of fun craft supplies!
papa rockin' out the foot massager we gave as part of the white elephant gift.
chad excited about getting a comfy new shirt from jill.
ledger super excited to get a teenage mutant ninja turtle from his uncle chad!
though he may have been thrilled with the teenage mutant ninja turtle chad got him, he seemed to be even more excited about the box it came in!  he proceeded to play with the box for several days after!
the kids showing off their new christmas jammies they got from mema!
the next morning the girls got some use out of the craft supplies we got them.  (please note in the background: ledger has an awesome gift from mema and papa, but he's more interested in an empty box...)

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