Universal Studios: Mario

 The newest part of the park is the Super Nintendo World. The entrance is a warp pipe you have to go through to get there!
It was pretty awesome to see all the crazy Mario level style in real life! As you can tell, Ledger and Marge were quite impressed.
Collecting coins!
Bowser's castle!
A panoramic shot of the whole land.
Adam and Ledger weren't up for the wait for the Mario Kart ride, but Aaron and I wanted to check it out. The two of them headed back to Simpsons land to go on a ride and we made our way through the wait. At one point the line is on the second floor and we got to look out to see this cool view!
Only about a 20 minute wait yet!
Out front of Bowser's castle.
The huge Bowser statue in his castle.
the weird hat 3D thing you have to wear for the Mario Kart ride.
Our Kart awaits!
On our way down the escalators to Marioland we got to see the WB water tower in the distance- that's where the Animaniacs live!

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