Random Ledge 97

 We found this little back massager at a Goodwill for fifty cents the other day. Of course Ledger had to draw a face on it...
Playing the Dogman Hot Dog game- a popular favorite in this house!
Tech snuggin' with Mama, kinda holding hands.
Tech snuggin.
Busy reading his book!
He's looking a little sus, don't you think?

We stopped by my sister's place to pick something up and had to take a minute to play with their cute little pups!
Hiking his pants up 'like how Papa wears them!'
Chilling out on the couch together.
Flipping through some of his comic archives.
A special lunch out with Mema and Papa!
Movie night at home since all the theaters are still closed- popcorn and movie theater candy and all!
When we read through different stories in Ledger's school work, it helps him concentrate if he can draw out the story as I read it. Here is a typical story drawing!

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