random ledge 68

for some reason ledger loves to play on the counter top.  mama doesn't usually let him, so it was a special treat to be up there- mama even joined him for a picture!
filling his fun workbook on the counter.
drawing at the table- his favorite activity!
soon after the first tooth fell out the second one followed!
getting a little snuggin' time in with papa!
spending time with daddy, even if he's asleep...
ledge doesn't discriminate- he'll hang out on the couch with a sleeping daddy or mama!
getting some time in with his beloved cousin!
for some reason ledger really wanted to climb on top of the car when i picked him up from school.  strange, but ok.  just don't tell mama...
not ready to go home after school right away, we will often head downtown allegan and just wander around for a while (granted, this usually involves a visit to the candy store, so ledger is always up for it!)

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