cabella's again

at cabella's they have a whole room set up to look like a field filled with deer. they also have an animatronic hunter there who talks a bit about the wildlife. this always freaks out aves- so of course we have to check it out!

over by the shoe department they had this strange little booth. there is a ramp that must be there to simulate hiking? who knows, but the kids sure loved playing on it! aves even shows off the stuffed animal she was trying (successfully, i might add!) to get her mother to buy her.

tweets decided that she needed some new rugged outdoorsman boots. i think this is the right size...

bubba convinced his dad to get him a hat, so he wanted to model it for the camera!

here is one of the 'amazing' shots that bubba took because whenever i take out the camera he wants a turn! mom is quite surprised by the whole thing...

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