Little Tokyo

 The walkway between shops was filled with cool Japanese stuff!
Got to get a picture of the banana on this rock, right?

We found a hilarious Gudetama hat, which he had to try on! I know it's Gudetama, but I think he totally looks like Finn from Adventure Time!
Banana in a tree.
Wandering around, checking it all out.
Had to get a picture of the banana on Adam's head, of course.
Looking good!

Lunch and A Walk 2

 Wanting a picture by the blue fountain at the Mexican market, Ledger sat down and smiled, only then realizing that he had sat right in a huge wet spot! Oops!
Right in the Mexican market sits the first house built in Los Angeles! The place is just open to the public and so we decided to wander around and get a free history lesson.
The courtyard of the old house.
The Mexican market!
Could buildings by the square at the Mexican market.
Ledge having a little fun on our walk!
Inside the Union Square station!
A nice group shot of us and the awesome ceiling in Union Square!

Lunch and A Walk 1

 Packed into Adam's car, we headed off in search of lunch!
Supposedly the place that invented the french dip sandwich. Let's check it out!
Still not feeling well from the drive, Ledger decided to have a little quiet time in the phone booth while we waited in line.
The place is packed!
The whole gang is ready to eat!
On our way up the stairs to find a table.
The perfect place to enjoy our meal- we found a room that only had one table in it!

Hangin' at the House

 Playing Roblox with Cadeau, sucking her into the preteen video game world!

Showing off some of his animations on his Youtube channel Backseat Animation.

Church and Park 2

 Ledge hopped on the side of the fountain to look in at the fish.
Found one!
A happy boy and a proud daddy (and some other random kid in the background...)
Don't forget about Aaron!

Church and Park 1

 Adam grabbed a quick bite to eat while waiting or everyone to finish getting ready.
Adam's got a cool car, and Aaron loves cool cars. What a perfect match! Adam even let Aaron drive us to church.
A happy boy soaking in the California sights!
Walking from the parking garage to Adam's church.
As the service was going on, we wandered to the back of the room to get a sweet treat and some coffee.
Walking down the street a little ways after the church service.

California Adventure

 Both of us were pretty excited for the adventure ahead!
Aaron enjoyed a nice cold large beer as we waited for our flight time.
During our layover, Ledger had some fun photographing his plush friends!
And he seemed to take a selfie while he was at it...
Settled into our seats on the plane. Ledge requested the window seat and we obliged.
Don't worry, Aaron was pretty pumped for the trip too!
Finally arrived! Ledge found a seat and deflated into it as we waited for our baggage.
Exhausted in the Uber, traveling through L.A.