according to my annual 'rotate-a-design' room guide, this years decoration theme is video games! but only cool nintendo characters- i have standards, after all...
after aves had her bath i brushed her hair and gave her a really funny rooster tail! speaking of roosters, while we were outside playing the chickens from next door decided they wanted to join in!
rex, freddy, and aaron, myself and jeffry lee enjoying that amazing atmosphere that only fridays can offer. i have a random photo of aarons garage, so i figured i would throw that in as a little bonus. your welcome.
bethany, warming up, and aaron ready to call in a night. blurry rex and jeffry lee saying their goodbyes. you know its time to call in a night when the host has fallen asleep...
rex, chris, and a fuzzy jeffry lee talking cars. jeffry lee about to lay the smack down on freddy. aaron ponders what its really all about. freddy looks bored, and jeffry lee has found a new toy: his chin!
aaron and jeffry lee talking it through. jeffry lee and bethany appreciating the garage wall. rex showing off his lightning fast moves. aaron, again, messing with the mix playlist. aaron and bethany chatting, and freddy yawning, ready for bed.